Supersize seats have constructed to hold obese football fans during next year's World Cup.
The reinforced seats will be able to hold fans that weigh up to 40 stone at Rio 2014.
But the double-width seats will cost larger fans twice the standard ticket price at the matches in Fortaleza's Castelao stadium.

Dig deep: But the double-width seats will cost larger fans twice the standard ticket price at the matches in Fortaleza's Castelao stadium
They are priced at £38 - while the cheapest standard seats, which hold fans up to 20 stone, are £19, reported The Sun.
The 120 seats are blue instead of the standard white and have been installed in the 64,000 capacity venue.
The seats are obligatory under Brazilian disability laws - one per cent of Brazil’s stadium seating is set aside for the disabled, including obese people.
Special tickets for obese fans have gone on sale for June’s Confederations Cup in Brazil, a dress rehearsal for the World Cup.
Four of the six stadiums to be used for the Confederations Cup, are still not finished.
Only Fortaleza's Castelao and Belo Horizonte's Mineirao have so far re-opened.

Bigger plans: The reinforced seats will be able to hold fans that weigh up to 40 stone at Brazil 2014

Pricey: They are priced at £38 - while the cheapest standard seats, which hold fans up to 20 stone, are £19
Last week Maracana stadium workers put down their tools and threatened to strike, putting more pressure on World Cup organisers who face a race against the clock to get the arena finished on time.
The workers, who are demanding a wage increase, meal vouchers and private health insurance for their families, staged a one-day stoppage and threatened a full-blown strike from next week.
The famous arena, which staged the final matches in the 1950 World Cup, is being refurbished for this year's Confederations Cup and next year's World Cup at a cost of £295million.
It is due to re-open for a friendly between Brazil and England on June 2 and stage its first competitive match, the Confederations Cup tie between Mexico and Italy, on June 16.
Work has already overshot the original deadline of December 31 and has been progressing almost non-stop, with three daily shifts, as the deadline looms.
FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke warned three weeks ago that there would be no further extension beyond the new deadline of April 15.
'We cannot go beyond this date. There cannot be any further delays. All the stadiums must be ready by then,' he said.