Apparently Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are determined to get their future kid beat up on
whatever private school playground they decide to send him or her to.
A new report suggests that the couple—and by “couple” we mean just Kanye—is considering the name “North,” which in full will become “North West.” Why, you ask? Well, because he can.
The UK’s Sun reports that the idea for the name, previously only associated with directions and atlases, spawned from Kanye trying to multi-task between cutting records and picking out baby names. (At least “Perfect Lil B*tch” isn’t one of the options.)Kanye’s ego is something else, so he’s quite serious about the title,” a source told the outlet. “He also has a sense of humor though and knows how his self-indulgence is seen by the general public. It’s half tongue-in-cheek, half what Kanye probably feels is true.”

Still, Kanye’s supposed actions are at least a little more direct than that of the wishy-washy Kim.
“We're not sure yet,” she previously told E! News, regarding their baby's name. “I have to discuss that with my boyfriend ... But we'll keep the name private, I think, whenever we decide.”
Sounds like a recipe for disaster…