Britain's youngest break-dancing champion who became a worldwide internet sensation after a Youtube video went viral was today revealed to be a six-year-old schoolgirl from Wolverhampton.
Dachiya Atkinson wowed the judges at the Pro Chelles international dancing competition in Paris with a breathtaking routine which had the crowd on their feet.
Views of her break-dancing skills rocketed to a staggering 2.8 million within five days of being uploaded of the internet.
Six-year-old Dachiya Atkinson was named Britain's youngest breakdancing champion after competing at a competition in Paris

At the age of 18 months Dachiya Atkinson went to her first dance class and she could do head stands aged two
In the short video she stuns the crowd with her moves by spinning on her head, performing windmills and forward flips like a trained professional.
Her parents revealed how the youngster had not only learned to walk by the age of nine months - but was doing handstands at just two years old.
And by the time Dachiya - whose performing name is B-Girl Terra - was three she was spinning on her head like a pro.
She won her first competition in Bath, Somerset, in 2012 and went to be crowned ‘Baby Battle Champion’ in St Brieuc, France, later that year where she beat off competitors twice her age.
Her mother Jennifer Hollyoak, 27, said: ‘She's always been quite confident and bouncy - she has loved dancing from a very young age.
‘Apart from this insane natural talent for break-dancing she is just a normal little girl - she likes dolls and playing with her toys.

Dachiya Atkinson, known by her stage name Terra, said her favourite dance move is the challenging headspin

Dachiya's mother Jennifer took her to dance with her older sister Damita (pictured in black trainers, right)

Terra, also known as Dachiya Atkinson, practises her dance moves at her local community hall in Wolverhampton
‘I was worried she was going to get scared as she is only six, but she is still really happy when she comes off stage, even if she loses.
‘That is the important thing. She is very confident, and we are so proud. We can't quite believe how the video of her has taken off.
‘We were clicking on the clip and we were quite surprised when it got to 500,000 views, it was such a shock. Now three million people have seen it - it's unreal.
‘But she's just bothered about her friends and teachers at school seeing it. She loves the normal things like going to the cinema and playing with her friends.
‘I think because of her age the publicity hasn't hit her and she isn't aware of the buzz.’
Dachiya's father Dean took her to dance classes when she was 18 months old. She soon mastered the art and is now part of London-based dance troupe Soul Mavericks - the biggest in the UK.
Dachiya said yesterday that her favourite dance move is the challenging headspin.

Setting the crowd on fire: Six-year old-Terra performs dance moves even her much older competitor can't handle yet

Crew: Terra is part of Soul Mavericks - a London B-Boy dance crew
Game on: Terra sizes up her competition before the B-Boy dance off commences
She said: ‘It feels really good when I'm dancing, I just love to be on the stage. My favourite move is the headspin, I find them easy to do now but it took a lot of practice.
‘I love dancing with my sister and all my friends think it's really good. In the future I'd like to be a world champion or be famous for dancing.’
Dachiya and her sister Damita currently train three times a week for a couple of hours each session and also do gymnastics.
The pair have more competitions lined up including an appearance at an event in Holland at the end of the year.