Celebrities have nice houses, sure. Multi-car garages, grottos, and indoor movie theaters are standard celebrity home
amenities, but some celebs go above and beyond the standard rich-person home statistics.
These are THE MOST expensive celebrity homes. We’re talking in the ballpark of $100 million homes.
Tiger Woods: Tiger Woods has a $60 million home on an island off the coast of Florida. The home has it’s own golf course. Of course it does. And the backyard dumps out into the ocean.

The Spelling Mansion: Tori Spelling’s dad Aaron Spelling built a sprawling mansion that features 123 rooms! Why is that necessary? Even more ridiculous, the home was purchased for $85 million by 22-year-old Formula One heiress Petra Ecclestone.
Gianni Versace: This $100 million home was also the site of Gianni’s 1997 murder and inspired by the colonial palace inhabited by Christopher Columbus. It features a gold plated swimming pool straight out of a history book.
Donald Trump: Donald trump bought this Palm Beach mansion for $41.2 million and then sold it for $150 million. It has 15 bedrooms, multiple guesthouses and a 100 ft swimming pool. It looks like a beach resort rather than a home.
Bill Gates: Bill Gates’ Washington home is valued at $147.5 million and features weird gadgets like a pin that guests can wear that adjusts temperature, music and lighting based preference.

Hugh Hefner: Believe it or not, but Hugh Hefner’s rotting playboy mansion is actually worth $54 million. It does have a zoo and comes with a bunch of blonde women who are willing to do a lot...sexually.
Oprah: Oprah’s Montecito mansion, which resembles the White House is valued at $85 million and features a man-made lake of exotic fish.
Michael Jordan: MJ’s $29 million home in Chicago boasts a 15-car garage and a full-size regulation basketball court, naturally. It’s the most expensive home in Chicago.

Alex Rodriquez: Proving that athletes make A LOT of money, A-Rod has a $38 million home in Miami Beach that he had custom made. It’s got 9 bedrooms, 13 bathrooms, an in-home theater, zen gardens (whatever that is), and a gym with a batting cage.