Looks like Selena Gomez is out for blood and tears in the wake of her public breakup with Justin Bieber.
While promoting her new movie Spring Breakers on “The Late Show with David Letterman,” the born-again Disney star made a distinct jab at her former baby-faced lover. Namely, telling the audience that she had made him cry.
Here’s how the conversation played out:

David Letterman: "I remember last time you were here, you were with a Justin Bieber?"Selena Gomez: “ I was with 'a Justin Bieber?’”DL: “Yeah, you were with 'a Justin Bieber.' And is that — that's not going on now.”SG: "No, I'm single, yeah.”DL: “You're fine?”SG: "I'm so good.”DL: “Good, yeah. I think you're fine … Now, the last time he was on, uh, he and I got into a conversation, and I — he said something and then I said something, and then he said something and I said something, and I made him cry.”SG: “Well, then that makes two of us.”
Scoreboard says: Selena “1,” Justin a big fat “0.”
But that doesn’t mean Bieber doesn’t have players on his team. Never Say Never director Jon M. Chu spoke up to reporters in the boy wonder’s defense at the G.I. Joe: Retaliation premiere, insisting that he’s a “good kid.”
“I love that kid,” said Chu. “I’m about to see him tomorrow, so I’m excited to catch up with him tomorrow. He’s amazingly talented. And he’s growing up. He’s figuring stuff out.”