Celebrities aren't perfect, even though we imagine them to be 92% of the time. However, a permanent mark of eyebrow-
raising ink falls somewhere in the remaining 8%.
Nothing like the name of an ex in calligraphy or a misspelled foreign phrase that doesn't wash off to remind you that these stars are also humans.
Take a look at these 7 regrettable tattoos that won't be going away anytime ever...

Ryan Cabrera's Ryan Gosling – Ryan Cabrera was playing a little game called Tattoo Roulette and it ended up being as regrettable as it sounds. Let's paint a portrait (that you can't ever erase) here: Cabrera and his friend walk into a tattoo parlor and both choose random tattoos for one another. The result is revealed upon completion. Only rule: they can't be religious or offensive. Clearly his mate broke both these rules because Gosling is basically an angel among mortals and we're offended it ended up on, of all places somewhere we'd never want to kneel and pray: Cabrera's leg.

Harry Styles' Butterfly – We swear the last time we saw this scary figure was in The Mothman Prophecies or on the poster of The Silence of the Lambs.

Lindsay Lohan's "La Bella Vita" – Talk about irony. "The Beautiful Life" inked on someone who isn't exactly living one.

Angelina Jolie's "Billy Bob" – And this is why ladies, for the 10,000th time, you don't ink your partner's name on your bod. Not even Angelina is immune to this misstep.

Stephen Baldwin's "Hannah Montana" – Just creepy. Grown crazy person, Stephen Baldwin inking a character adored by fifth grade girls everywhere on his collarbone. We don't even want to think about where his "Lizzy Maguire" tattoo is...

Hayden Panettiere's Misspelled Italian Saying – The perils of trying to seem worldly with ink. Hayden got the saying "Vivere sense rimpianti" tatted along her side except her Google Translate had a hiccup because the third word isn't spelled right. Ironically, it means "Live without regrets" which she's reminding herself to do today, tomorrow, and forever.

Chris Brown's Battered Woman – Officially trolling everyone at all times, Chris got a tattoo of a Day of the Deadwoman that looks eerily similar to the now infamous photo of Rihanna's battered face.

Gucci Mane's Ice Cream Cone – It's supposed to be a reminder of how Gucci lives his life—"Cool as ice," according to his spokesman—but it looks more like a PSA for not getting ice cream cones tattooed on your cheek.

Mike Tyson's Face…All Of It – When you thought Mike couldn't beat up anyone else in his career, he surprised us by going right ahead and assaulting his own face with a needle.