Hilary Duff took some time away from acting to have a baby (a valid reason for an early retirement) but now she’s returning to the only place semi-retired sitcom stars are welcome… “Two and a Half Men.”
After plucking Ashton Kutcher from “That '70s Show” and romantic comedy obscurity and then letting Miley Cyrus hang around for a few episodes, “Two and a Half Men” has snatched up Hilary Duff for an episode to play Ashton’s dumb-blonde date.
In this just-released clip from the episode, Hilary is seen on a date with Ashton’s character, but they are joined by her grandma, played by a very well-preserved Marilu Henner.

Why are they on a date with her grandma? No idea, but it’s clear from the weird threesome date that Ashton has zero interest in flighty and vapid Hilary.
Hilary asks him point-blank if they are going to have sex that night and when he says “no” she heads off to a party with her friends after throwing up to “make more room for alcohol.” Hilary is pretty damn funny in the episode. It's nice to see she hasn't lost her "Lizzie McGuire" sitcom training.
Later in the episode, Ashton ends up hooking up with Marilu’s character instead of Hilary! Oh, was that a spoiler? Sorry.
Watch Hilary dust off her comedy chops.