Actress Oge Okoye displays different personas in these daring photo-shoot but is she trying too hard?
See more photos below, an official statement follows each section of photos:
Cinderella Gone Bad

This look is a beauty shoot where Oge had to be natural and nude with barely any make-up and no jewelry. Every man except Moussa, the photographer had to excuse Oge during this shoot at the Eko Hotel & Suites. We however made sure that her dignity was preserved by taping her boobs and she was covered from below.
I told her to picture herself as Cinderella being maltreated by her wicked step mum and sisters and imagine herself washing their dirty clothing while they were out partying but remember that at exactly 12 midnight, she’s will be relived of this burden and in her own case, I wanted her to go bad at 12 midnight.
When I asked her to look sad, she asked “Do you want tears?’ As I stuttered, “may be…but it’s not that serious”, Oge released her water works taking everyone by surprise. After the crying stint, Oge’s eyes caught the clock as planned and exclaimed in horror and began wearing her afro wig, her black leather pants, gold hoop earrings, oversized dark trendy sunglasses and ankle boots.
Dominatrix & Her Sub

Oge Okoye started by drumming her fingers impatiently – complete with a no nonsense look – as she sat on her bed waiting for her “client” to arrive. Paolo arrived on cue, just as Oge looked at her wrist watch. They both shadowed each other from the doorway and Oge grabbed her whip as Paolo approached her. Oge gave as good as she got and viciously grabbed Paolo’s collar as he threw back his head and growled in pain. As I looked over at my open mouthed crew, I realised I had been standing stupefied myself, as surprised as the others, at the perfect performance that played before our eyes. Moussa was so excited, he actually directed this shoot with me.
Busker Baby

Here’s an official statement of this look;
I decided to go from one extreme to the other with this grace to grass look. The classy aristocrat is now an impoverished busker. Buskers are commonly found on ships, railway stations or places where lots of people commute, as they have more chances of making money in these places. We just generally had fun with this shoot as Oge clowned around with her guitar. There were a few builders out and about and it was hilarious as they joined in putting some money in Oge’s tray as she busked. They probably assumed we were shooting a movie.