
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Nigeria set for 45 Crude Cargo Export from March

With a view to boosting and enhancing the export of its major Foreign Revenue earner ‘Crude Oil’, Nigeria is poised to step up the level of output by hitting the mark of 45 crude cargoes from the month of March.

From the analysis, Nigeria will sustain export flows from Forcados, Akpo, Bonga, Amenam , Usan, EA Blend and Yoho Oil fields. Also the Brass River, Escravos, Oso, Pennington, Antan, Abo, Okono and Agbami fields are also expected to shore up production, that will meet the expected target for March.
Also the Qua Iboe terminal operations is to provide 12 ship consignments of the crude grade for the month of March, while the total estimates will also include three lots delayed being deferred from the month of February.
This Schedules for Loading are done on a monthly basis, designed by experts in field operations in the Oil and Gas sector, to ensure that there is an enabling environment and level playing ground for buyers and sellers to carry out their supply and trading activities.
Nigeria is in desperate need of boosting its crude export and also gaining new trade deals, as the government is ruthlessly seeking massive revenue to finance key Infrastructure projects and programmes in the country, even as the Nation is on the aggressive drive to get more markets.
As part of its efforts in ensuring that there is no disruption in the export and shipment plan, the Federal Government has empowered the Joint Task Force Military operations in the Niger-Delta region to maintain order and stability in the area, cracking down on illegal bunkering and attempts to attack any of the oil installations in the country.