Misspelling a word in an email is one thing but permanently tattooing it onto your body is quite another.
Unfortunately, as these hilarious pictures prove, many tattooists did not bother doing a spell check before inking their hapless clients.
One man's 'awsome' tattoo was sadly less awesome than he intended when a crucial letter was missed out.
A drama fan attempted to pay tribute to their favourite art form but had a bit of shock when their tragedy mask was spelt 'tradgey'.
Another of the pictures which feature in a list of the most embarrassing tattoo mistakes on Oddee.com proves why dictionaries are still so important.
The teenager is pictured proudly showing off his tattoo that reads 'only God will juge me.'
Other examples show how the meaning behind anarchic or philosophical slogans can be lost through a simple error.
One man had 'Tomarrow never knows' inked onto his wrist, while another man's 'f*** the
systsem' did not have the impact he was hoping for.
systsem' did not have the impact he was hoping for.
The spelling police will definitely judge him when they see the howler of an error permanently inked on his back
Armfuls of mistakes: 'Tomarrow never knows' was tattooed on one man's wrist, left, and the power of one man's anarchic statement, right, is lost because of that spelling mistake
Another philosophical soul has to look at a grammatical error for the rest of their life.
The amusing tattoo reads: 'To young to die, to fast to live.'
Finally, one man endured having a large tattoo of seven letters dripping in blood but unfortunately the tattooist did not know the difference between 'your' and 'you're'.
The intricate design read 'You bleed just to know your alive.'
This makes no sense because the tattooist clearly does not understand the difference between 'to' and 'too'
Never mind 'tradgey', this tattoo definitely has both tragic and comedic elements - but for the wrong reasons
A lot of work went into this tattoo but sadly nobody checked the difference between 'you're' and 'your'