
Monday, February 25, 2013

Instagram Threatens To Shut Down Madonna's Account

When Madonna first joined Instagram, we credited her racy selfies to a mid-life crisis.

Well, turns out Instagram is not on board with Madonna’s bare skin pics, her cleavage baring shots and then the shots of just her cleavage.
Instagram fired off this letter to the Queen of Pop, writing, “Hello Madonna, it has come to our attention that your account on Instagram has violated our Community Guidelines.”
Namely, Madonna is in violation of the clause, “Don’t share photos that show nudity or mature content.”
Did we mention there’s a picture of her underbutt. It’s like underboob, but with butt.
Madonna posted the takedown notice on her Instagram and then DID NOT remove the violating photos.
I mean, what are they going to do? Shut down her account? She’ll find a way. Madonnagram? Hmm…
Most of Madonna’s Instapics are close-ups of her lips, which isn’t against Instagram's rules, it’s just uncomfortable knowing that she has kids, who have to deal with their friends being like, “yo, I saw your mom’s sexy selfies. My dad keeps them in a special folder on his desktop that he doesn’t let mom see.”
Get thee to Madonna’s Instagram page before the powers that be shut down the whole operation and Madonna decides to get a “WhoSay” or “Feed” account.