
Monday, February 25, 2013

The Problem Of Phone Batteries Finally Solved

A group of students at the University of Southern California may have found a new method of keeping our phone charged longer after being connected for a shorter period of time. These
students and professors have created a lithium-ion battery that can charge within 10 minutes and last three times as long as the batteries we see in our phones today. The battery works by using nano-sized spheres of silicon to help boost battery performance. This type of battery is still under development however, and probably won’t be available for another two to three years at most.

I’ve mentioned in previous posts that there are other developments in the works to make our battery life last longer, but this is probably the most efficient method I’ve read about as it takes care of two – count ‘em, two – first world problems that we currently encounter every day. First of all, no more “I forgot to charge my phone at night!” business, because A.) If you forget to charge your phone one night it will only take ten minutes to recover and B.) If you remembered to charge your phone the night before that then your phone would probably still be good to go anything. Just like that, bam! Magic.

I’m actually really excited for this technology. This technology is said to make our phones last up to three times as long as what we currently get. That means if I could somehow get one of those batteries for my 4S, my phone would last at least 3 hours. Talk about insane! (I’m just kidding, I’d probably get about two days’ worth out of it) but nonetheless it’s still a cool concept.

Normally around this point I would point out pros and cons of such a concept, but as long as the battery isn’t extremely bulky (our phones are already becoming wide enough as it is, adding too much thickness just sounds like it would be a stretch for any hand) I can’t really think of anything that bad that could happen from batteries that last longer other than perhaps the companies that make chargers will see a bit of a drop in profits as we will no longer have to purchase a charger for every room in the house; that’s about it.

Needless to say (but I’m gonna say it anyway) I’m really excited for this development and I can’t wait until it’s finally implemented into our phones. I feel like we’ve been waiting a long time for our smartphones to be able to catch up to the battery life we were so used to with our flip phones.