
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tupac’s Mother set To Release All Of His Musical Works

Tupac’s mother ,Afeni Shakur, has vowed  to continue to keep her son’s music and memory alive. Tupac Shakur died in 1996, at the age of 25. Shakur was a victim of a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas. Afeni Shakur, who is the head of  his estate has turned over the rights to her son’s estate to Jampol Artist Management( JAM). She says that Tupac left more music for the world to hear.“I believe it is our responsibility to make sure that Tupac’s entire body of work is made available for his fans. My son left many incomplete pieces and even more unfinished ideas,” she said in a statement. “Using the blueprints he gave us, I am committed to fulfilling this duty.”

 Jeffrey Jampo, founder and president of JAM says, “It’s our responsibility, and our privilege, to ensure that new generations of fans experience the power of Tupac’s music, his ideas and his storytelling.”  Artist, in the past have been able to collaborate with Tupac, after his death, as a result of his massive vault of songs that he left behind.