
Friday, March 29, 2013

Billionaire orders 117 Chinese dinosaurs

A QUEENSLAND resort is one step closer to becoming Clive Palmer's own Jurassic Park after the eccentric billionaire put in an order for more than 100 mechanical dinosaurs.

The mining magnate, who is also building a replica Titanic, already has a tyrannosaurus rex called Jeff and an omeisaurus named Bones in his Palmer Coolum Resort on the Sunshine Coast, north of Brisbane.
Mr Palmer says he ordered another 117 animatronic dinosaurs from central China on Friday.
"If you've seen Jeff and Bones, well you haven't seen anything yet," Mr Palmer said in a statement.
He said the new arrivals would include a 1200kg brachiosaurus and a 7m tall mamenchisaurus - both tall plant-eating reptiles.
The animals, which will be displayed in the woodlands around the resort, will sway their tails, heave their chests and blink, Mr Palmer said.
The exhibit is expected to be on display within months.
Jeff the T-rex's arrival caused a stir late last year, with one Sunshine Coast councillor complaining the ambitious dinosaur park plan would cheapen the resort.
Mr Palmer also hinted Jeff was named after deputy premier Jeff Seeney, with whom he's had several political stoushes.