
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Kenya: Camp Mulla to Launch Solo Careers

Plans are at an advanced stage for hip-hop award-winning group, Camp Mulla, to launch solo musical projects.

Speaking to Word Is, one of the group members, Shappa Man, said in about two months, the group will be launching solo singles, throwing speculation of whether the group is headed for disintegration.

"There is a time at some point as a group when you feel the push to establish your individual members to the fans, and this is what we are trying to do. This may be the start of a journey to our individual solo careers but not yet. We need some more time together but if we have to go solo, then we will have not much to do but to split. We will still be releasing more songs as a group, but we will at the same time be chucking out our solo projects. We are launching our solos this June."

He added that the group has managed to accomplish a lot and "it's that strength that we will be using as solo artistes."

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