
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

President Obama Makes Fun of Taylor Swift - watch

Everyone on Capitol Hill knows that Taylor Swift and her vindictive lyrics are a major threat to national security—right up there behind letters laced with ricin—which is what makes this topic all the more urgent.

At the political ticket of the year, the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, a very serious President Barack Obama referenced the singer to make a jab at his wishy-washy contemporaries...
“We need to make progress on some important issues. Take the sequester. Republicans fell in love with this thing, and now they can’t stop talking about how much they hate it. It’s like we’re trapped in a Taylor Swift album.”
That thud you just heard was Taylor’s chin hitting her guitar because *shock face!!!* and "am i being called out by the Prez?!" and OMG SO EMBARRASSING.
The innocuous joke was a hit with those in attendance, but if we’ve learned anything about how the singer feels in regards to jokes at her expense, it’s that they belong in the same "very special place" that Tina Fey and Amy Poehler reside, which according to Taylor's bedroom is on a dartboard where her ex-boyfriends headshots are hanging.
Between the U.S. employment rate and economic budget cuts, now Obama has to worry about a revenge single called “Dear Mr. President” penned by Taylor. Exercise that First Amendment right!